How is Valpolicella Ripasso made?
Valpolicella Ripasso is a type of Italian wine that is made through a unique process called “Ripasso” which involves adding (re passing) pomace (the grape… Read More »How is Valpolicella Ripasso made?
General tips and advice on how to get the best out of your chosen wine, in terms of storing conditions, serving temperature and so on.
Valpolicella Ripasso is a type of Italian wine that is made through a unique process called “Ripasso” which involves adding (re passing) pomace (the grape… Read More »How is Valpolicella Ripasso made?
We are extremely excited to announce an exclusive partnership with The Rake Tapas in Littleborough with a full range of both Red and White wines… Read More »The Rake Tapas and Scriani partnership for wine
Here at Vini Veneti we are so proud to be selling exceptional wines from a carefully selected group of independent, family owned wine producers. They… Read More »Award winning wines
During my recent trip back to Italy, I visited most of our suppliers, to talk about what we have done so far and what we… Read More »What makes our wines, quality wines?
Made in the Franciacorta territory, an area just south of Lake Iseo in the Lombardia region, Franciacorta is a hand-harvested, bottle-aged sparkling wine with both… Read More »Franciacorte sparkling (Spumante) wine. What is it?
On Friday 18th July we held our first ever virtual wine tasting experience, over Zoom and I have to say it was a resounding success,… Read More »Vini Veneti first online virtual wine tasting event, Friday 18th June 2021
You may or may not, have heard of natural wine. So, if you haven’t, here is what we know about it. Not to be confused… Read More »What is Natural Wine?
In terms of drinking and enjoying red wine at it’s best, and in particular, opening, breathing and even decanting it prior to drinking, there are… Read More »Red wine. To breathe or not to breathe? Decanter or bottle?
No doubt you have seen on some of the wines you have ordered and browsed on our website, referred to as IGT (Indicazione Geografica Tipica)… Read More »What is an IGT wine?